
We’re taking a trip. We’re going on a ride. It will be beautiful. It will be ugly. It will be hard. It will be easy. It will be the adventure of a lifetime.

Who are we?

I’m Joy.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA That’s me writing in my journal outside a pyramid (Giza).

I’ve lived in Brooklyn, NY for the past 6 years.

3 years ago I met Mat…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA That’s Mat sipping Egyptian style tea in Memphis (Egypt)

…the guy who’s now my husband.

We both have a bit of a travel bug. In 2012, we went on a 3 month trip across western Europe (France, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands).

This time, we’re doubling the time and changing the continent:

6 months across Africa. 9 countries.








Cape Verde


Why are we traveling?

a) Because we love meeting new people, experiencing new things, and exploring new cultures.

b) Not to be tourists in the normal sense, but to really live among people and to have a taste of their daily lives. That means no tour guides (except locals showing us around). No tour buses. No tourist hotels or resorts. No gift shop souvenirs. (we have 1 backpack each and have no extra space!)

c) Because we can. It ain’t cheap, but life it too short to not spend it the way you want.  This is an investment that we wouldn’t trade for anything!

Some other stuff to know:

1) The first 3 weeks of our trip (Egypt) will be shared with this guy: Wes.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA That’s Wes light treating some water. He says it’s to kill germs and viruses but we think it’s just cuz he wants to look like a jedi.

He’s been our roommate for almost as long as we’ve known each other. And he’s kind of responsible for our meeting so we owe him lots. He’s also our best bud!

2) In December, we’re going to Nigeria. I was born there and I’m half Nigerian (my dad), but I haven’t been back since I was 1 year old. I even got a Nigerian passport for the trip and it wasn’t easy (more on that story later). It’s a huuuuuge deal!

3) I’m conducting research for my research project for a PhD in Anthropology on excommunication practices in religious groups. There will be an accompanying blog just focused on my research.


We’re taking a trip. We’re going on a ride. It will be beautiful. It will be ugly. It will be hard. It will be easy. It will be the adventure of a lifetime.

This blog will be how we chronicle our journey. Read along. Comment. Enjoy.






That’s us on Oct 28th in JFK airport on our way to Cairo, the beginning of the journey. Mat’s holding a huge sippy bag of water.




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